Lady narrates her sad divorce story.....

My sad story of divorce and life after.

I'm new here on FB and decided to finally tell my story.

My story is typical. Got a job after college, left my soul mate to find the world, and we lost each other. He married some one else and so did I. My parents have been married for almost sixty years now so I grew up on save the marriage at all costs.

I was with that man for almost twenty years and two children later I found myself in an abusive he'll. He crossed the line and I kicked him to the street. Meanwhile I reconnected with my lost love soul mate from college. We were together for six years till I moved south.

I was divorcing and he was in what he said was a horrid marriage ( knowing here there's always two sides to every story).

Yes, I'll admit it now, we met and cheated and we cheated not only in body but in our hearts.

I have been divorced ten years now and this is the first time I have ever admitted I cheated, but I was in the divorce process when I cheated. (not that that excuses it because he was and is still very married.)

We still talk often and have seen each other many times since but no more cheating cause he's still married.

My X moved into our old house a woman two weeks after we left, he has since married her and divorced her twice, but that's his problem not mine.

The reason I'm writing this is because I can't get over my college love. He's in a horrible marriage from the sounds of it, stays for his children, so he says, and tells me over and over he's leaving for me as soon as the kids are out.

He called again tonight. This time just crying and so sad. He apologizes over and over for letting me go, for what could hae been.

I know we all like to think that one special love for us is like no other, yet I do believe that for us. Our story reads like a bad drama novel, both of us suffering for so long with our decisions.

My thing is this........divorce is hell and I tell him this all the time. There's no way for us to be together unless he does walk, but it still tears a family apart no matter what the age is of your children. I try not to encourage his leaving as I never want to be blamed for their divorce, I have enough regrets already........

But, oh, oh, oh, how I want to be with him. I've dated and had two long term boyfriends since I've been divorced but didn't want to commit again to anyone but him.

So, here I am, 2am, one kid in college, the other a junior in high school.

Will I ever find happiness? Am I just chasing a past ghost?

My heart holds hope, my head says get over it and move on.

I haven't been able to get over it though in 30 some plus years.

Thanks for listening.

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