DON’T show up late on purpose.
On a first date, you’ll make a stronger impression if you show up on time. Would you want him to show up late? Probably not. Huh? It takes you two hours to do your hair and makeup? Sounds like you’re perfectly aware of that fact, which means you’ll know exactly how much time you need to prepare ahead of time, even if it’s five hours (no judgment!)
DON’T wear things that are too high, too short, or too tight.
And not because of what he might think—this tip is for you, and you alone. A first date isn’t the time to take those fierce six-inch stilettos out for a spin, or wear that dress that you think is a little too tight. Why? Because first dates are anxiety-filled enough and being uncomfortable in your clothes only makes it worse.
Plus, won’t it suck to not be able to walk a few blocks on a nice night because your heels are too high, or have to spend time awkwardly pulling at your too-short hemline? Instead, wear things you know look good on you but won’t hinder you from being cool, calm, and collected.
DON’T be surgically attached to your phone.
This is the big one, ladies: The act of compulsively checking your phone every two minutes could be a bonafide deal breaker. There’s nothing ruder than trying to have a conversation with a person who’s constantly stating at their screens—wouldn’t you be put off if he were paying more attention to his iPhone than to you?
While you’re at it, we know it’s commonplace for folks to keep their
cell phones on the table, but it’s not polite when you’re getting to
know somebody. Responding to every beep, text, alert, and vibration is
distracting and unnecessary. Be mature and keep it in your bag, and
glimpse at it while he goes to the bathroom, if you must.
Similarly, do not post any status updates, tweet about your date in real time, or snap any candid Instagram pics, or post to Snapchat when he’s not looking. That’s just creepy.
Similarly, do not post any status updates, tweet about your date in real time, or snap any candid Instagram pics, or post to Snapchat when he’s not looking. That’s just creepy.
DON’T try to prove your worth using shallow tactics.
What not to do on a first date? Maniacally mention your ex-boyfriend,
your dating history, all the time you spend at the gym, the laundry list
of guys lining up around the block to date you, or how everyone says
you look exactly like Fox. If you get the urge, step up your game and
act your age. And, odds are, if you’re really
Try this instead: Highlight some recent achievements that are about you. He’ll be way more impressed that way.
DON’T think it’s cool to not eat.
Most guys will freely tell you that there’s nothing more cliché (read: lame) than a girl who doesn’t eat on a date. If you think not ordering dinner, or only taking a birdlike bite of your entree will make you appear skinnier, prettier, sexier, more feminine, or more mysterious, guess what? It won’t. What it will do? Probably not get you a second date.
DON’T sit there like the Queen of Sheba when the check comes.
Even if you’re of the firm belief that your date should always pay, it’s a mistake to assume
he will—especially on the first date. If he goes for the check right
away, offer to split the bill, or at least leave the tip. He’ll probably
decline, so make sure you offer to get the cab to the next destination,
the movie tickets, or a round of drinks.
However, if you offer to pay or split, be prepared to actually pay or split. Don’t play games. Not offering at all, however, could translate to entitled.
DON’T get wasted.
There’s not much to say here without sounding preachy, but keep this in
mind: Having to be carried home by a guy you barely know isn’t chic (nor
is puking in the cab, doing something you regret, or crying at the
dinner table.) Sure, a couples of cocktails can be fun and loosen the
mood, but knowing your limits—and sticking to them—will help make a
stronger first impression.
Don’t not ask questions—just make them the right ones.
A foolproof way to ensure that conversation will always be flowing is to simply ask
your date things, although—given the fact that we never know how
comfortable others are with casual conversation—that might be easier
said than done. The trick successfully vetting a potential suitor on a
first date, while simultaneously keeping the energy light and fun, is knowing what questions to ask, and how to ask them.
For example, work, his family, his hobbies, pop culture, his favorite music are all surefire bets. Four things never to
ask him about on a first date? Politics, religion, his exes, and how
much cash he pulls in. If you’re savvy, you’ll realize that certain
questions–even the most basic ones—have the ability to tell a lot about
a person.
DON’T give TMI, too soon.
Sharing personal details about your life after knowing anyone
for 45 minutes is never a good idea. Want to get married on the beach
in Mexico by the age of 3o, and have a baby boy named Henry by the age
of 32? Keep it to yourself for now. Similarly, steer clear of personal
topics like your contentious relationship with your mother, any
ailments you have, or major work woes —all valid, but none are
appropriate first date topics.
DON’T stalk him after the date—social, or otherwise.
In today’s world, texting and catching up via social media is a viable
means of communication after a date, but there are a few rules we all
should follow. If you had a wonderful time and feel like shooting him a
casual text later that night or the next day, go for it.
A good text: “Had a really good time, thanks again!” is fine.
A bad text: “OMG literally had the best time EVER, ur sooooo amazing
and I can’t wait to see u again. Wanna do brunch with me and my
girls tomorrow??! LMK ASAP xoxox!!!” is not.
addition, try to resist the urge to follow him on Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Linkedin, or any other conceivable social
network until you’ve gone out a couple of times. Even in today’s
connected world, remaining a creature of (a little) mystery is a
powerful thing.