What positive habits should I develop now that will be useful later on?

These habits are simple to acquire, but sure can add a lot to one's life:

Stand up straight. Your back will thank you when you're older.
Eat more fiber. Your poop will be solid. You'll save on toilet paper.
Read every day. Your mind will expand 1000%.
Deep breathing- in the nose, out the mouth. Slow down and give your brain more oxygen.
Journal. Benchmark your life. See how far you've come and how much farther you need to go.
Take a daily vitamin. Because why not? Give your body the nutrients it needs.
Soak up the Sun. Of course not too much. The Sunlight makes you happy!
Make deliberate, firm eye-contact. Be the Alpha in the conversation. Be present. Build your confidence.
Take walks. Jam out to music. Empty your mind. Let in the surroundings.
Jog. Your future body will thank you. You only have one body. Keep it primed.
Hustle. Work towards a goal. Stop working for other people. Make $.
Quit smoking cigarettes. If you're spending >$.01 on cigarettes annually- you're losing.
Sing in the shower. Every once and a while. Let loose with your bad self.
Ask people what they're passionate about. Learn something new from everyone you can.
Ask questions constantly. You don't know anything. Soak in as much as you can. Be curious.
Call your parents. You'll be glad you did when their gone.
Say "No” to people. Not maliciously. Be respectful of your time and use it wisely.
Cook at your home. Women find it sexy and it's a great skill to have.
Make your bed. Win a battle first thing in the morning. This small habit builds a foundation for other bigger habits that you'll build later on in life. The first step is always the hardest. Make habit building a bit easier.

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