Why guys prefer to use a girl instead of dating her - expert's view

1. A lot/most men have it to a degree. They categorize women into 2 very classical categories, sometimes subconsciously, almost immediately. It is very hard to get out of the “wh*re” category if that is his first impression of you. Maybe not the most politically correct or delicate thing to say, but reality shows this to be true more often than not.

2. Men have much lower s*xual standards than women and will have s*x with women they wouldn’t date, let alone get into a relationship with or marry. Don’t mistake s*xual flattery for real interest. Adriana Lima here says it best.

3. A lot of women have very low standards. As long as women have low standards, there will be men who will take advantage of their low standards. Raise your standards and men can’t take advantage of you. You have all the power.

4. Men will always lie to you to some degree just to have s*x. They will use flattery, manipulation, pay for all of your dates, whatever it takes. Not all men but close to 100%. If they were totally honest almost no woman would sleep with them unless they looked like Dbanj. Be aware of this s*xual/behavioral reality and be on the watch for it. Even men who are genuinely interested in you and find a connection with you will be very eager to sleep with you… like yesterday. Make them wait a little. If they are really interested they won’t mind the wait. Even Dbanj would wait for a woman he was really interested in. All men can wait if they really want to.

5. Control your emotions. All adults need to learn how to regulate their emotions. Don’t get emotionally invested in a man you hardly know. If you sleep with him before you know who he is, the emotional risk is even higher because women develop deeper emotions after intimacy. If you can control your emotions and don’t respond to flattery, men can’t manipulate you into bed.

6. Don’t take it personally. There are millions of men who want to “use” Genevieve for example. Does that mean she is worthless, that she doesn’t deserve a real relationship, love, commitment? No of course not. It just means she’s hot and that a lot of dudes would love to sleep with her if she gave them half the opportunity.

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