Ladies!!, you want to get over him?, Get in here.....

There are the people from your past that you love to reconnect with - whether it's just a text, a call, or a coffee, it's sometimes nice to revisit certain moments in your life, with the people who were there for them. And then there are the people you left behind for a reason. Most of the time, it's best that they stay in the past, where they belong.

1. Hang out with your friends.

Instead of obsessing over the past, spend time hanging out with the people who you care about and who care about you now.

2. Pick up a new hobby.

Start baking, or jogging, or knitting or get really obsessed with a new social media platform.

3. Read a new book.

Or read the terms and conditions on your phone. Or anything. Just don't text him.

4. Go shopping.

A less financially stable option, but definitely a more emotionally stable one.

5. Write about it.

Write out everything you want to say. Just don't press send.

6. Binge watch a new Netflix show.

The one your friends are always talking about, or the one you're always seeing ads for. Here's your chance!

7. Go for a walk.

Go for a walk around your city to get some fresh air and a fresh perspective. Or, stroll just around the corner to the nearest coffee shop for a fresh latte.

8. Study.

Sure, this isn't fun, but it's way more fun than the inevitable emotional damage that will occur from texting him.

9. Call your mom.

Here's a good chance to give your mom the attention she deserves (and a good chance to avoid giving attention to some people who don't deserve it).

10. Delete his number.

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